On-Demand Learning Hub

All the information you need to succeed in healthcare fundraising

Choose the Level That's Right for You

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Hover your mouse over each element to see the level

Gives a broad overview of a topic with no prior knowledge required. Appropriate for new healthcare fundraisers and individuals looking to fill in skill gaps.
Gives an in-depth look into a topic with a focus on application. Appropriate for individuals with some prior knowledge and experience in the subject area.
Focuses on complex topics, preparing learners to shape organizational strategy. Appropriate for senior leaders with significant knowledge and experience in the field of healthcare philanthropy.

Donor Relationship Building

Planned Giving Mini Course

On-Demand COURSE

Three-part, on-demand course covering intermediate and advanced techniques

How to Advance a Planned Giving Discussion with Your Donor

VIDEO AHP login required

Use the example of your own estate planning to see how this conversation works

A Case for Gift Planning Early in Donors' Cycle of Generosity


How to secure more blended gifts to advance your mission