Affiliate Membership

Get in touch with exactly the people you are trying to reach


Membership Options

Whether you are a solo healthcare consultant or provide specialty services to philanthropy organizations, we've got a membership to suit your needs.

Individual Affiliate


per person

All-Inclusive Affiliate


unlimited access

Exclusive Discounts
Discounts on advertising and sponsorship opportunities for AHP events and publications
Priority Booth Selection
Priority points awarded, redeemable for early booth selection at the AHP International Conference
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Online Community Access
Join our online community, Thrive, to interact directly with healthcare fundraisers through our membership directory
Priority Access
Learn about new sponsorship opportunities before they are announced to the public
Email Newsletter
Get biweekly updates to your inbox on the latest healthcare philanthropy news, articles, and educational and professional opportunities
Forward Thinking
Published periodically, Forward Thinking is a collection of peer-reviewed articles addressing today's relevant topics
Committee and Task Force Eligibility
Contribute to the development of AHP activities and events by participating in a committee
Full-Team Access
Membership for your whole team at no additional cost

Annual $500 Credit
Toward any AHP sponsorship or exhibit opportunity

Annual Free Ad
Complimentary advertisement in AHP e-newsletter, website, or Journal

Website Badge
Build credibility with your audience with an "AHP Affiliate Member" digital badge

Become an AHP Affiliate Member

Fill out the form below, and our affiliate membership director will contact you within 48 hours to activate your membership.

How many people from your organization would benefit from AHP membership?