Present a Webinar

Request for Proposals

Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) webinars provides high-quality educational content on topics in healthcare philanthropy. AHP looks for webinar proposals that shares creative approaches to everyday issues in healthcare philanthropy, emphasize best practices, are based on real-life experiences, and will build the knowledge and skills of attendees.

We encourage you to explore the following questions when submitting a proposal: 

  • What’s the very best, most thought-provoking idea I’ve ever implemented?
  • Can I present a fresh look on a topic?
  • How does my organization generate and/or implement new ideas?

Proposal Selection

AHP has many years of experience programming exceptional webinars and educational sessions at international conferences. AHP staff members will review proposals and give feedback to ensure content is strategically aligned and strikes a balance between new and veteran speakers.

Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.

Topic Areas

As you develop your proposal, please consider the following topics, which are of interest to AHP members.  

  • Annual giving
  • Major and transformational giving
  • Planned giving
  • Corporate and foundation giving and sponsorship
  • Chief philanthropy officers/leadership
  • Philanthropy operations
  • Hospice philanthropy
  • Marketing and communications
  • Board and volunteer engagement
  • Career development
  • Service line fundraising
  • Endowment fundraising
  • Donor-advised funds
  • Community and population health

Guidelines for Potential Presenters

  • All proposals must be submitted using the online form, no exceptions.
  • All content leaders and co-leaders must be listed. Intentionality is critical in providing a quality learning experience, including the expertise of instructors. Proposed content leaders will be reviewed prior to acceptance.
  • Use clear, error free language. Session and workshop proposals require clear and concise titles (limit 10 words), persuasive outcomes-focused descriptions and three action-oriented and well-thought-out learning objectives/take-aways that answer the prompt “after this participants will be able to…” AHP retains the right to modify titles and descriptions during copy editing for marketing purposes.
  • Avoid all commercial bias. Sessions perceived by participants as commercially biased in content (including use of proprietary tools/models) will not be accepted. Any submission that is not educational in nature, neutral and unbiased, replicable by participants without the author’s assistance, and free of commercial motive/intent will not be accepted.
  • Peer-driven education. Affiliate members of AHP, who represent the for-profit organizations such as consultants and vendors who are active in health care philanthropy, are welcome to submit session proposals. However, each affiliate member must have at least one practitioner co-presenter. Failure to follow this policy may affect future speaking opportunities.
  • All accepted content leaders must adhere to deadlines. You must be committed and responsive to working with AHP to deliver exceptional service by adhering to deadlines.


Email or call 703-538-3141 with any questions about the submission process.