Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

AHP Audience

Founded in 1967, the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) is the healthcare philanthropy professional's definitive source of thought leadership, networking, and education to advance the profession. With close to 10,000 members throughout the world, our highly engaged community represents approximately 70% of the healthcare philanthropy industry and supports a wide range of healthcare facilities including:
  • Community and private hospitals
  • Healthcare systems
  • Children’s hospitals
  • Teaching hospitals and medical institutions
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Hospices
  • Medical centers
  • Advocacy groups
  • Specialty hospitals

AHP Member Titles 

membership pie chart

A Message from Our President and CEO

As always, my sincerest thanks. We are grateful for your unwavering support for AHP and the professionals who work every day to transform healthcare through philanthropy. 

A partnership with AHP is strategic and mutually beneficial. We offer our partners exclusive benefits that deliver a strong return on your investment. We'll work closely with you to understand your greatest challenges, and develop a plan to help you achieve your goals.

In addition to event sponsorships, we offer multi-part webinar programs designed to be more intensive dives into complex areas with experts from your ranks. We also offer opportunities to co-author content, co-issue surveys, and include “advertorial” content in the AHP Connect. Our goal with this type of work is to help you achieve your goals and to provide our membership with valuable content they might otherwise not have access to.

We look forward to your ideas and to working with you in the coming year.

All my best, 

Alice Ayres
President and CEO

2025 International Conference

The largest gathering of healthcare development professionals, the annual International Conference is the catalyst for attendees to grow their network, connect with peers, and get strategic guidance and practical tips on today's most pressing topics.

Dates and Location

Gaylord Rockies Resort, Colorado | Wednesday, October 22-Friday, October 24, 2025 

Who Attends

  • Healthcare philanthropy professionals from the US and other countries
  • With sessions for every career stage, almost 1,000 people attended the conference in 2024

International Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Exhibitor-Only Booth

  • Sponsorship Levels

  • More Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Leading Forward Executive Forum Sponsorships

Convene Canada 2025 

Convene Canada is the only conference exclusively for Canadian healthcare philanthropy professionals. The main conference spans two days, with an additional day dedicated to specialized workshops, including the Leading Forward Canada Executive Summit for senior leaders, available at an additional charge.

Dates and Location

May 21-23, 2025 at the Westin Ottawa   

Who Attends

  • Canadian philanthropy professionals at all levels attend the main conference
  • Chief development officers and senior operations leaders attend the one-day Leading Forward Executive Summit add-on

Convene Canada Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Sponsorship Levels

  • Exhibit Booth Packages

  • Booth Includes

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

AHP Summit on Artificial Intelligence 

The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP)’s Summit on Artificial Intelligence is designed to explore the ways artificial intelligence can be used in healthcare philanthropy today to help organizations work more efficiently and be more successful. In addition, the Summit will explore possible futures that AI can help enable in healthcare philanthropy.  

The Summit is designed for healthcare philanthropy leaders who want to learn more about AI and become more confident in their understanding of how AI tools fit into their foundation’s work. Everyone from chief philanthropy executives to operations leaders to frontline fundraisers will benefit from the content delivered at this event. 

NEW FOR 2025: AHP will offer a virtual registration option for this conference. In this virtual pilot, education breakout sessions will be recorded and made available to all in-person and virtual registrants, extending the reach of the educational content. Interactive elements such as learning labs, cohort discussions, and networking activities will not be recorded, in order to maintain the value of the in-person experience. 

Affiliate participation at the AHP Summit on Artificial Intelligence is limited to exhibitors and sponsors only.  

Dates and Location

June 10-12, 2025, at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown    

Who Attends

  • Projected in-person attendance: 150+ 
  • Virtual registration option available
  • RFP is available on the AHP website until January 31, 2025. 

AHP Summit on Artificial Intelligence Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Sponsorship Levels

  • Exhibit Table

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

Madison Institute 2025 

The AHP Madison Institute offers healthcare development professionals an unparalleled opportunity to learn and develop connections during weeklong courses that build skills on a range of topics critical to job success. Held in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin, the Madison Institute draws hundreds of learners looking to get advice from well respected faculty with hands-on industry experience. 

Each day is limited to one sponsor. An organization can sponsor more than one day. 

Dates and Location

Sunday, July 20 – Thursday, July 24, 2025 University of Wisconsin

Who Attends

  • New healthcare philanthropy professionals
  • Seasoned philanthropy professionals new to healthcare
  • Faculty who hold executive positions in healthcare philanthropy from across North America

Madison Institute Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Sunday: Opening Day (Half Day: $7,500)

  • Monday (Full day of programming: $7,500)

  • Tuesday (Full day of programming): $5,000

  • Wednesday: (Half day of programming): $3,500

  • Thursday (Full day of programming): $7,500

  • Add-On Options (choose one, approximately 300-325 items needed):

Advertise in the AHP Connect Newsletter

The Connect newsletter is emailed to 6,000 AHP members and 4,000 non-members every other Thursday. Issues include the latest highlights in healthcare philanthropy news, thought leadership articles, educational and professional opportunities, and community updates. 

Advertising Rates

Image files must include a destination URL and be in .png, .jpg, or .gif format with no plug-ins, audio, or cookies. UTM parameters are encouraged.

Rates below are divided by AHP Affiliate Member (AM) and non-members (NM). 

Months 1 2 6
Total Ads 2 4 12

Upper Leaderboard
630px x 90px

AM: $1,760
NM: $2,090

AM: $3,080
NM: $3,740

AM: $7,920
NM: $8,910

Lower Leaderboard
630px x 90px

AM: $1,430
NM: $1,760

AM: $2,640
NM: $3,080

AM: $6,600
NM: $7,920


Sponsored Blog Post 

  • 500- to 800-word post published on the AHP Connect blog on a topic of interest to the audience of healthcare philanthropy professionals. AHP must approve topic in advance
  • Content must be thought leadership and not directly promoting any goods or services
  • Blog post included as feature story in one issue of the AHP Connect newsletter at time of publication
  • Post includes call-to-action link to sponsor's website 

Advertise in the NEW Forward Thinking Thought Leadership Series 

Ad Placement Opportunities

The Thought Leadership article series brings cutting-edge ideas and insights from the brightest minds in healthcare philanthropy to the forefront. Timely and informative, this collection of literature educates and inspires healthcare development professionals, raising performance standards and strengthening the case for philanthropic support. Each issue features 1-2 articles. Advertising placement options include:

  • Inside Front Cover Ad: $1,850 per journal
  • Full-Page Color Ad: Placed between the two articles, $1,500 per journal
  • Inside Back Cover Ad: $1,000 per journal

Advertising Placement:

  • Inside front cover and back cover available for each release
  • Goal is to release one issue per quarter
  • Note: Four releases may not be guaranteed. If fewer than four issues are produced in 2025, cover ads will roll over into 2026.

Forward Thinking 2025 Sponsor: $6,000

Exclusive sponsorship opportunity for one sponsor annually. Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Company’s logo/name on the cover and Table of Contents on all published journals in 2025
  • Opportunity to contribute a sidebar copy of 300 words and company logo
  • Mentioned in social media promotions for the Journal
  • The Journal will be distributed digitally only, through PDF and ISSUU, accessible to all members via their AHP account
  • Non-members will have access to some of the issue’s featured articles for free on the AHP website

Sponsor a Webinar in 2025 

Webinar Sponsorship Options:

Share your expertise by leading an educational webinar for the healthcare philanthropy community. Held throughout the year, AHP webinars and mini-courses deliver high-quality education in an accessible, user-friendly format.

Single Webinar Sponsorship: $5,000 USD

Hosted via GoToWebinar, single webinars are designed to maximize audience reach and accessibility by offering free registration to all attendees. Typical attendance ranges from 150 to 250 participants, with approximately half joining live, depending on the topic. Recordings of each webinar are circulated post-event and are also made available for on-demand viewing on the AHP website. Each session runs for 45-60 minutes, providing concise yet impactful content.

Three-Part Webinar Series Sponsorship: $7,500 USD

A three-part webinar series offers the flexibility to either explore three separate topics or dive deeply into a single subject through a masterclass or mini-course format. This structure can follow a progressive learning path (e.g., 101, 201, 301), moving from foundational to advanced strategies, or focus on specific tactical aspects (e.g., 101, 102, 103). These interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and may include a registration fee for attendees.

One unique benefit of the masterclass format is the opportunity for presenters to build stronger connections with participants over the course of the series, enhancing engagement and learning outcomes.

Additional Details for Both Formats:

  • AHP submits all webinars for CFRE credit to enhance their value for attendees.
  • AHP manages all technical aspects, allowing sponsors and their teams to focus solely on delivering high-quality content.
  • Content should prioritize actionable insights and practical learning for participants. While conference presentations require consultants or vendors to co-present with practitioners, this is not a requirement for webinars or virtual sessions. Sponsors may choose to involve a client to provide a peer perspective, but it is equally acceptable for the sponsor's personnel to lead the session independently.

We look forward to partnering with you to deliver impactful educational experiences that resonate with our audience.


Other Opportunities

Awards and Programs

Award winners are honored at the AHP International Conference each fall. Contact us to discuss ways your company can be involved in supporting these programs.

Si Seymour Award

The Si Seymour Award recognizes distinguished leadership in the healthcare philanthropy community


40 Under 40 Program

The 40 Under 40 program recognizes leaders in healthcare philanthropy under age 40



Job Board

The AHP Job Center allows healthcare philanthropy professionals to post open positions and browse available job opportunities. Advance your own career by posting your resume or build your team by advertising open positions to qualified healthcare philanthropy professionals.

Research Publications

Learn what’s driving high performers from our annual Report on Giving and Benchmarking Study, see how employment markets are shifting with our Salary Survey, and access the AHP Standards Manual as the definitive source on industry metrics and reporting.


Promotional and reminder communications are sent frequently for events to target audiences and include logos of event sponsors and hyperlinks. 

Customized Sponsorship Packages

If you have something in mind that you don't see on this page, contact us to explore a personalized package that meets your needs.

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Advertising and Sponsorship

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