Platinum Sponsorship: $17,500 CAD [Sold Out]
Benefits include:
- Four complimentary registrations for company representatives, including all educational sessions and meal functions
- Opportunity for one to two minutes of welcome remarks at opening OR closing general session
- Opportunity to present mutually agreed upon content within planned conference programming (general session OR breakout session)
- Opportunity to introduce one conference breakout session in each block
- Placement of promotional item either in conference bag or placed on chairs at opening OR closing general session
- Company logo featured in all conference promotions and on the website
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250 value)
- Acknowledgment at general session during opening remarks
- Company logo on all on-site conference signage, placed in prominent locations
- Two 3'x3' floor decals
Diamond Presentation Sponsor (3 available): $7,500 CAD
Opportunity to present a 30-45 minute presentation. No co-practitioner required, but AHP and the conference committee must approve the content.
- Placement of promotional item in conference tote bag
- Logo placement on conference website and all conference-related marketing materials
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250 value)
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including access to all educational sessions and meal functions
- Acknowledgment at general sessions as conference sponsor
- Recognition on prominently placed on-site signage
One-Day Leading Forward Executive Summit Sponsor (max of 2): $7,500 CAD [Sold Out]
The Leading Forward Canada Executive Summit brings together Chief Philanthropy Executives for a pre-conference day exclusively designed for senior leaders.
- Your company representative helps moderate one panel discussion, featuring a group of philanthropy leaders, on a topic identified by AHP and the Convene Canada conference committee
- Logo placement on conference website and all conference-related marketing materials
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250 value)
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including all educational sessions and meal functions
Social Event (Exclusive): $7,500 CAD [Sold Out]
Your support makes the event free of charge to all participants.
- Opportunity for one to two-minute welcome remarks to kick off social event
- Your company logo on event admission ticket
- Opportunity to provide a gift to social event participants (sponsor provides gift)
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor at general sessions during opening remarks
- Logo placement on conference website and all conference-related marketing materials
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250 value)
- Placement of one promotional item in conference tote bag
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including access to all educational sessions and meal functions
- Your company mentioned in one conference in-app notification
Gold Education Sponsor: $5,000 CAD [Sold Out]
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including all educational sessions and meal functions
- Opportunity to introduce one conference breakout session in each block
- Placement of promotional item in conference bag
- Logo placement on conference website and all conference-related marketing materials
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250 value)
- Acknowledgment at general sessions
- Recognition on prominently placed on-site signage
Opening Reception (Exclusive): $5,000 CAD
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor at general sessions during opening remarks
- Logo placement on conference website and all conference-related marketing materials
- Logo placement on napkins
- Logo placement as center square of bingo card for reception icebreaker
- Opportunity to name the signature drink offered at the reception
- Your company mentioned in one conference in-app notification
- Opportunity to distribute a parting gift at the end of the welcome reception (you provide the gift)
- One complimentary tabletop exhibit (a C$2,250value)
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including all educational sessions and meal functions
- Opportunity for one to two minutes of remarks during the opening reception
Technology Bundle (Exclusive): $5,000 CAD
- Company logo on mobile app landing page
- One push notification through the mobile app on each day of the conference (two total)
- Verbal acknowledgement as a sponsor at general sessions during opening remarks
- You choose the wifi password; maybe your company name? (if hotel provides ability to customize)
- Your logo on wifi access instruction card provided to all participants in conference tote bag
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
- Two complimentary registrations for company representatives, including all educational sessions and meal functions
Notebooks (Exclusive): $2,500 CAD / $3,500 CAD
C$2,500 if you supply notebooks; C$3,500 if AHP supplies them.
- Your company name on notebook
- Placed in conference bags passed out at registration for each attendee
- Company logo placed on conference website and in all conference-related marketing materials
- Must be a minimum of 5"x7"
- AHP approves design
Hotel Keycards (Exclusive): $3,500 CAD
- Your design featured on one side of hotel keycards distributed to everyone in the conference room block
- AHP conference branding on the other side
- Logo recognition on hotel page on conference website
- Logo placement on conference website and marketing materials
Tote Bag (Exclusive): $2,500 CAD / $3,500 CAD
Company logo on tote bag given to attendees at registration.
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
- C$2,500 if sponsor provides bag; C$3,500 if AHP provides it
- AHP approves design
Lanyards (Exclusive): $2,500 CAD
- Company name on lanyards provided to all attendees at registration
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
- AHP will provide the lanyards; you approve design
Meter Board or Pillar Wrap (depending on hotel availability): $3,000 CAD
- Two one-sided meter boards/pillar wraps placed in high-traffic areas
- Co-branded with AHP conference branding
- Sponsor designs image
- AHP will confirm dimensions closer to conference
Floor Decals: $1,500 CAD
- Two 3' by 3' decals placed in high-traffic areas to remind attendees where to find you in the Exhibit Hall
- Decal can be custom designed by your company
Coffee Break: $1,500 CAD
- Logo featured on break stations
- Logo placement on napkins at break station
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
Breakfast: $1,500 CAD
- Logo featured on food stations
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
- Option to provide print material for table drop or tote bag insert
Mobile App Advertising (up to 5): $750 USD
AHP Business Development Manager provides in-app advertising specification sheet.
- You can create one banner and one card for each day of the conference (three total).
- You can have a different card and banner each day or keep the same ones throughout the conference.
- Two push notifications of 140 characters, one notification on each day of the conference.
Website Advertising
Pricing: Varies
Enhance your visibility with exclusive website advertising opportunities.
- Conference Website: Place an ad on the main registration page of the Convene Canada Conference webpage. Note: You must be an exhibitor to secure this ad placement. Fee: $500 (up to 4 sponsors).
- AHP Homepage: Advertise on the AHP homepage. Open to all, no exhibitor status required. Fee: $650 (up to 4 sponsors).
Pens (Exclusive): $500 CAD
- Placed in attendee tote bags or, if no bag is available, at registration
- You supply the pens; AHP approves design
- You ship pens directly to the conference site at your own expense
- Company logo featured prominently in all conference promotions and website
Bag Insert: $500 CAD
If no tote bag is available, items will be placed on chairs during the general session, as determined by AHP.
- You supply the item and ship it directly to the conference site at your expense.
- Available to current exhibitors and sponsors only.
- Item cannot include a sponsorable item like a notebook or pen.
- Must be a sponsor or exhibitor to reserve this sponsorship.