AHP Connect Articles

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.

NEWS   12/8/2011 6:00:00 AM
A conversation with Gina Eisler, MA, CFRE, vice president for philanthropy, The Scarborough Hospital Foundation
NEWS   8/5/2010 5:00:00 AM
In these tough economic times, internships can be an inexpensive way to increase productivity and a valuable recruitment tool for your organization.
NEWS   6/3/2010 5:00:00 AM
No sooner had I folded my cap and gown than I received a solicitation letter from my university. Many of my classmates had yet to receive job offers
NEWS   6/6/2007 5:00:00 AM
When Dan Heath joins us for our AHP International Conference in Philadelphia, his concepts surrounding “Made to Stick:
NEWS   3/8/2007 6:00:00 AM
AHP has been tracking for several years the shift in health care fundraising activity toward major gifts.

Article Submission

Articles on health care philanthropy topics are welcome and should be sent to Allana Schwaab, Communications Manager, or call (703) 538-3154 for more information. 

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