AHP Connect Articles

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.

NEWS   4/26/2018 3:20:00 PM
Mary Lou Hussak discusses the biggest surprise in her career, challenges faces Canadian fundraisers and social media strategies.
NEWS   2/14/2018 6:00:00 AM
What’s your favorite part of your job? Working with an incredibly generous network of donors.
NEWS   2/14/2018 6:00:00 AM
Who’s giving to charity in Canada today? How do we give? Are we as generous today as we were 30 years ago? Why do we give?
NEWS   2/14/2018 6:00:00 AM
Adapted from a 2017 AHP Annual International Conference presentation by Lori Counts, Principal Consultant, Accordant Philanthropy and Julie Cox, FAHP, VP of Development, LifeBridge Health
NEWS   2/14/2018 6:00:00 AM
There is a myth in health care fundraising that our donors aren’t online. You might have heard this as an excuse for not investing in digital communications.
NEWS   12/21/2017 6:00:00 AM
Arthur J. Ochoa, JD Senior Vice President of Community Relations and Development, and Chief Development Officer
NEWS   12/20/2017 6:00:00 AM
Adapted from a presentation at the 2017 AHP Annual International Conference by Lori Davison, MIA, VP of Brand Strategy & Communications
NEWS   12/20/2017 6:00:00 AM
Working with donors who are elderly may bring up ethical questions for fundraisers.

Article Submission

Articles on health care philanthropy topics are welcome and should be sent to Allana Schwaab, Communications Manager, or call (703) 538-3154 for more information. 

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