AHP Connect Details

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.
NEWS  /  02/14/2013
The following article is based on the webinar, “Successful employee campaigns take hard work, knowing your audience and building relationships,”
NEWS  /  12/06/2012
The following is an excerpt from an article about the often-over-looked art of listening and why it’s important to take the time to hear what your donors are really saying.
NEWS  /  12/08/2011
A conversation with Gina Eisler, MA, CFRE, vice president for philanthropy, The Scarborough Hospital Foundation
NEWS  /  08/05/2010
In these tough economic times, internships can be an inexpensive way to increase productivity and a valuable recruitment tool for your organization.
NEWS  /  06/03/2010
No sooner had I folded my cap and gown than I received a solicitation letter from my university. Many of my classmates had yet to receive job offers
NEWS  /  06/06/2007
When Dan Heath joins us for our AHP International Conference in Philadelphia, his concepts surrounding “Made to Stick:
NEWS  /  03/08/2007
AHP has been tracking for several years the shift in health care fundraising activity toward major gifts.