AHP Connect Details

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.
NEWS  /  04/14/2020
Guidance for whether you're conducting a feasibility study, in the quiet phase, or in the middle of a public push.
NEWS  /  04/07/2020
John Simpson and Ben Texter, co-founders of Digital Health Strategies, a health care fundraising agency, offer practical tips for messaging during the COVID-19 crisis.
NEWS  /  03/27/2020
500 members responded to our survey, providing insights as to how COVID-19 affected their organization's plans, while the pandemic was just developing.
NEWS  /  03/26/2020
MedStar Health is dedicating staff and resources to engage corporate donors, foundations, and trusts..
NEWS  /  03/25/2020
The SECURE Act includes three important changes that govern qualified retirement plans, including IRAs, 401(k)s, and 401(3)(b)s.
NEWS  /  03/25/2020
7 suggestions for your gift-planning program during the time of social distancing.
NEWS  /  03/25/2020
Lessons from the 2008 financial crisis and fundraising truths to boost your confidence in your future plans.
NEWS  /  03/25/2020
What you can do now to be prepared for later, when business as usual returns.