AHP Connect Details

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.
NEWS  /  03/23/2022
These tips will help your messages stand out in your prospects' crowded inboxes
NEWS  /  03/08/2022
In this reprint of an article from the Winter 2022 Healthcare Philanthropy Journal, Birgit Smith Burton talks about why and how to increase diversity in the healthcare philanthropy profession.
NEWS  /  02/15/2022
In this Philanthropy Fundamentals post, you'll learn how to create a a go-to list of open-ended questions that give clues about prospects’ capacity, inclination, affinity, and philanthropic nature.
NEWS  /  02/02/2022
Learn the little things the AHP team is doing to encourage each other (and you!) toward greater well-being, one small step at a time.
NEWS  /  01/24/2022
Many chief executive officers understand that philanthropy is even more critical than ever to support the mission.
NEWS  /  01/18/2022
These days, attendees need to know about their rights and responsibilities when it comes to health at live events. Here's one way to tackle it.
NEWS  /  11/19/2021
Gratitude is a a powerful motivator, healer, and connector. Here's why Alice Ayres, President and CEO of AHP, is grateful for you.
NEWS  /  10/26/2021
To position philanthropy as critical to an organization’s success, your CEO needs more than a passing knowledge of philanthropy. Learn how you can build a better relationship.