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CEO Corner: The Future Is Bright for AHP

Alice Ayres
Published:  09/26/2018

Health care is among the most honorable and critical industries in the world, and yet the financial health of our health care institutions is under siege. As an industry, we have cut and cut our way to bottom-line goals, but cost containment continues to top the list of strategies for our chief executive officers (CEOs). 

I was drawn to AHP because I see philanthropy as the curve bender. What each of you do every day makes a substantial revenue impact on our health care organizations, and that secures the future health of our communities, our friends and our neighbors. The important work you do safeguards the health of our organizations, which is why I am so honored to serve you as AHP’s new CEO.

My mission, and that of AHP, is to support you in this work. Since my arrival, you have been generous with your time, your warm welcomes, your thoughtful advice and your feedback on what you need from AHP. You have shared your excitement for AHP’s future and your eagerness to see AHP grow and adapt to serve the ever-changing needs of health care philanthropy professionals. You have expressed willingness to contemplate new directions, eagerness for more diversity and inclusiveness and the desire to volunteer your time and expertise to help AHP become even stronger. For all of this, I am enormously grateful and extremely energized.

I see immense opportunity for AHP to provide even greater support to you. The best practices and innovations in health care philanthropy lie within this membership. As we harness them, we will unlock the true power of our collaboration. Delivering best practices through new formats — digital, local events, train-the-trainers, webinars — will speed dissemination and exponentially expand our collective learning. The development of affinity groups within the membership will allow for even more meaningful networking and mentorship.

As we develop new and different ways to serve, my hope is you will feel comfortable to share your feedback with us — both complimentary and constructive. We want to learn and optimize to ensure we are best serving your needs.

This is a truly exciting time to be in health care — especially health care philanthropy. The sky is the limit on what we can accomplish together!

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Meet The Author

Alice Ayres
President & CEO
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy

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