CEO Corner: Protect the Heroes Connects You with Potential Donors
Alice Ayres
Published: 04/15/2020

When a natural disaster strikes, the American public automatically knows to give to the American Red Cross and FEMA (NVOAD).
That is why we launched Protect the Heroes in partnership with the American Hospital Association and The Creative Coalition. The goal of this website is to easily connect Americans with their local hospital’s emergency fund donation page.
In essence, we are hoping that this is the American public’s one-stop giving shop. While most hospitals are in desperate need for PPE for their healthcare workers, many others have different needs at the moment, so this tool will allow hospitals to ask the public for help with what they need.
We launched with mainly hospital and health system data, and we are adding more organizations, such as hospice and palliative care. We want this resource to be all-encompassing, with the goal of driving as many cash donations as possible to your emergency relief funds.
Since we launched on Wednesday, April 8, over 4,000 people have gone to the site, with 3,000 clicking through to search for your organizations to give. While that is terrific, we need this to “ignite” in order for it to be successful. Please consider sharing the information and the creative assets with your community leaders and influencers. For this to work, we need to get outside of healthcare and into the common conversations of the general public.
Together, we can make this effective. If you have any questions, please email the Protect the Heroes team at