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CEO Corner: Promoting Your Covid-19 Relief Fund through #GivingTuesdayNow

Alice Ayres
Published:  04/30/2020

Together We Give

Most of you are familiar with the nationwide online giving day that usually takes place the day after Cyber Monday in the fall. But with the current Covid-19 pandemic, organizers have pulled together an event, #GivingTuesdayNow, next Tuesday (May 5th) with the purpose of fundraising for organizations that need donations to keep helping our communities during this time.

In partnership with the AHA, we are going to promote the Protect The Heroes campaign in a number of ways, including paid advertising. But we need your help.

The key to getting important messages to “break through the noise” is to have people share campaigns they have a personal connection with their friends and family social media. To help your foundation with that, you can take some of the following sample tweets and send it to your donors in an email, asking them to post it on their social profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram––whatever they’re on.

  • I gave $500 to make sure patients with Covid-19 can talk to their families on a tablet. I give to #ProtectTheHeroes on #GivingTuesdayNow
  • I gave because my husband is a doctor at [name of hospital]. I give towww.ProtectTheHeroes.org #GivingTuesdayNow. #ProtectTheHeroes
  • I gave to [name of hospital/foundation] so #healthcareheroes have the resources they need to fight COVID-19. I give to #ProtectTheHeroes on #GivingTuesdayNow

These are just some examples, so feel free to taylor the messages to your audience, and include a link to your emergency relief fund donation page!

We’ll be adding more assets, sample Tweets and other language, as well as other ideas to help you get the word out on the Protect the Heroes Campaign Toolkit page. In the meantime, if you have questions or need help with anything, please reach out to communications@ahp.org.

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Meet The Author

Alice Ayres
Alice Ayres
President and CEO
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy

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