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CEO Corner: Happy New Year

Alice Ayres, MBA
Published:  01/03/2019

Happy New Year! We are so excited for all that 2019 will hold for AHP's members. In this CEO Corner column, I have highlighted some of our new programming for health care development professionals at all stages — those early in their career, those at a mid-career level and those who have reached the executive tier. We hope to see you at one or more of these new programs in 2019!

For Executives:

Leading Forward

This year, the Leading Forward Committee, led by Donna Budak, MA, FAHP, CFRE, and Shannon Duval, went back to the founding principles for this event. The focus is on how successful relationships with C-suite partners grow and strengthen our communities, our missions and our margins in health care. The agenda is part “in conversation” among C-suite leaders from the main stage and part working sessions in which leaders are able to work together through some of the toughest issues they face this year. We hope you will join us in Atlanta, March 26-28.

Convene Canada Executive Track

The Convene Canada Committee, led this year by Ingrid Perry, has made the decision to bring back the Executive Track format to our Toronto conference, scheduled for May 14-16. We’re hoping leaders from across Canada will join for a day’s programming that marries great presentations by leaders inside and outside the profession and working sessions on key up-at-night issues. 

For Those Mid-Career:

Madison Institute

We’re launching two new, two-and-a-half day “mini tracks” at the Madison Institute in Madison, Wisconsin, July 14-19. One will focus on hospice and long-term care philanthropy and the other will be designed for philanthropy operations professionals.  Additionally, we’ll be adding content throughout the Madison Institute experience on everything from building a better partnership with marketing teams to how to think about community health and philanthropy’s role therein.

For Those Early in their Career:

AHP Development Primer

Led by Ann Thompson-Haas, FAHP, the Primer Committee is reimagining and refreshing the AHP Development Primer this year. Their work will begin to roll out throughout the year, beginning with a newly redesigned curriculum, followed by new and different ways of delivering the content. We’re excited to host an in-person session of the Primer in Atlanta on March 29-29 as well as one at Convene Canada in May and at the International Conference in October in Washington, D.C.

We hope 2019 is a safe, productive and happy year for each and every one of you. Many thanks for all you do for AHP. Here’s to the new year!

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Meet The Author

Alice Ayres, MBA
President and CEO
Association for Healthcare Philanthropy

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