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AHP Seeks New Board Members

Randy A. Varju, MBA, FAHP, CFRE
Published:  03/28/2022


The Association of Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) is seeking thoughtful, strategic, inclusive, and talented leaders to join our international AHP Board of Directors, and we enthusiastically welcome you to nominate yourself or an industry colleague.  

Because of the diversity of AHP’s membership, AHP strives for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive sector and is seeking a diverse Board nomination slate in terms of demographics, life experience, geography, and expertise. 

AHP is dedicated to furthering the profession of healthcare philanthropy, and the Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in advancing that goal. Therefore, this call for nominations is an opportunity for you to serve our global community while further developing your leadership skills and networks. The benefits are many: 

  • Serve in a prominent role in advancing your profession;
  • Enhance the value of AHP to the association community;
  • Exchange ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders. 

The AHP Board Governance and Leadership Committee is seeking dedicated professionals who believe in our mission and work and has identified several desired attributes that will be part of the selection process for new Board members: 

  • Leadership experience;
  • Visionary and strategic thinker;
  • Ability to build highly effective working relationships with a diverse group of colleagues;
  • Recognized leader in the healthcare philanthropy community with the ability to be an active advocate, influencer, and public representative for AHP;
  • Relevant expertise for identifying resources and partnerships for AHP;
  • Positive professional attributes, including the ability to work collaboratively and engage and cultivate talented professionals on behalf of the AHP strategic initiatives;
  • Demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion;
  • Skill in one or more of the following: nonprofit governance, finance, fundraising, talent management, communications, policy/advocacy;
  • Interest in furthering AHP’s mission (educating, inspiring, and serving those who are transforming healthcare through philanthropy).

The AHP Board is made up of healthcare philanthropy professionals who provide strategic direction and guidance for AHP. At the change of the term in October 2022, the Board will have up to two openings. The Directors will assume their positions at the close of the first official Board meeting following the Annual Meeting on October 26, 2022, and shall hold office for two years. 

The new AHP Board Directors serve two-year terms beginning in October 2022, with the option to serve no more than three consecutive terms. The Board meets twice a year in person, typically in March and October. Board members also are expected to serve on a subcommittee, attend select AHP activities, and participate in AHP’s annual International Conference (typically held in the fall) and in up to six (6) Board conference calls per year. 

If you are interested in serving, please complete this form along with your CV by May 2, 2022. If you have any additional questions, comments or would like to nominate someone, please feel free to contact us at maryann@ahp.org

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Meet The Author

Randy A. Varju, MBA, FAHP, CFRE
AHP Board Governance and Leadership Committee

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