40 Under 40

Renee León

HMNH Foundation
Valencia, CA

Why is a 40 under 40 winner

  1. She successfully raised over $1 million in employee giving toward a major capital project at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.
  2. Renee led a presentation on employee giving at AHP’s 2017 Big Ideas conference.
  3. She is a graduate of the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber’s Leadership Program and has helped recruit other young professionals to get involved in the community.
  4. She started a new recognition program for memorial gifts, Light up a Life, and saw immediate financial results.

Q & A

  1. How did you get into health care philanthropy?

    While working at UC San Diego, School of Medicine for the Dean of Medical Education, I saw the important role of philanthropy for medical and research facilities.  While attending a meeting I heard a story about how a donation from the Shiley family forever changed the Ophthalmology treatment and research in San Diego as well as impacted the next generation of leaders in eye care and vision research. I believe I found a way to contribute to health care without being a practitioner.  

  2. Why did you choose to make health care philanthropy your career?

    I had an amazing kindergarten teacher that instilled a love of learning that has remained with me to this day. Health care is constantly changing and evolving and I get a front row seat to watch how it impacts an entire community.  My first project at Henry Mayo, was raising funds for the first NICU in the Santa Clarita Valley. About 5 years ago, I personally benefitted when my identical twin boys were born 2 months early and their lives were saved by our NICU team. It was a serendipitous moment to help build something my family would eventually need.  

  3. What has been the #1 factor in your career success so far?

    The relationships I’ve built within the hospital, community and professional networks has been a tremendous support system but I would not be successful if I truly didn’t believe in the mission and values of Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. In 2016, I was tasked to start an Employee Giving Campaign and in two years we have raised over 1 million dollars and employee engagement is at a record high. We have received such positive feedback from other Hospitals that I was selected to present at the 2017 AHP Big Ideas Conference.     

  4. What is your greatest passion and why?

    My passion in life is helping others whether on a small or grand scale. I experience the same joy when I find the perfect birthday gift for someone as I do when we announce that through fundraising we were able to get a new piece of equipment that will affect thousands. 

  5. What are your future aspirations?
  6. After attending AHP's Madison Institute, I came to the conclusion that I want to be a chief development officer where I can bring my vision, passion, commitment and discipline to an organization that has a mission and value system that matches my own.

Renee Leon

Fun Fact:

I love to travel and have visited many countries but my favorite country is Greece where I studied abroad on the small island of Hydra.