Report on Giving and Benchmarking

Find out how you compare

Explore the Latest Benchmarks

Delve into the benchmarks and trends from the 2024 AHP Report on Giving, with an emphasis on what the highest performers are doing

Find out how you compare

The Report on Giving highlights industry performance on key metrics, including total funds raised, return on investment, cost to raise a dollar, and more. Each year, we collect data from hundreds of organizations raising funds for healthcare in the United States and Canada to show you industry trends.

Whether you are a shop of one in a small community hospital or a leader of a development program for a large national health system, you'll find data to compare your organization to others just like you.

Get the latest edition

AHPrime members and survey participants can get a free copy of the report by emailing
FY2023 Report on Giving (USA)
The definitive annual benchmarking resource exclusively created for the healthcare philanthropy profession.

Member Price: $249
Regular Price: $599
FY2023 Report on Giving (Canada)
The definitive annual benchmarking resource exclusively created for the healthcare philanthropy profession.

Member Price: $249
Regular Price: $599

Take part in the survey

Use our online survey form to submit data for your organization for FY2024. The Mini Survey requires only four metrics and can be completed in minutes.

Why Participate

  • Get a free copy of the report (a $599 value!)
  • Eligibility to earn AHP Revenue High Performer status for total funds raised and Productivity High Performer status for total funds raised per fundraiser

Who Can Participate

Any foundation or philanthropic department that raises funds for a hospital or healthcare system in the United States or Canada can participate in the annual survey.

You do not need to be an AHP member.