Masterclass: Grateful Patient Fundraising

Our four-part intensive gives a deep look into all aspects of grateful patient philanthropy

About the Course

Our virtual mini-course on physician engagement and grateful patient philanthropy is your chance to learn Sharp HealthCare's successful tactics so you can apply them to your own grateful patient program. Taught by Bill Littlejohn, the senior officer for philanthropy at Sharp, and his team, the course takes a deep look into all aspects of grateful patient philanthropy during four one-hour sessions. 

For two decades, the Foundations of Sharp HealthCare in San Diego have had a strategic approach to physician engagement and grateful patient philanthropy. The result has been hundreds of physicians actively engaged in philanthropy, 60,000 Guardian Angel recognitions of caregivers, and some $400 million in philanthropy revenue, much of it as a result of ally relationships and the gratitude of patients and families.  

Earn a total of 4.0 CFRE points—each session is worth 1.0 points.

Grateful Patient Mini Course Sessions

  • Session 1: The Big Picture

  • Session 2: Keeping the Gears Moving

  • Session 3: Physician Roles in Grateful Patient Philanthropy

  • Session 4: Putting It All Together

Learn on Your Schedule

Get on-demand access to all four sessions for only $139 for AHPrime members, $199 for AHP members, and $299 for nonmembers