AHP Connect

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.

NEWS  /  06/27/2023
Learn how the team at VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation created a matching program that has more than tripled the donations they receive from physicians since it began.
NEWS  /  06/15/2023
Legacy giving programs can be daunting, Lesley Heighway, president and CEO at Peterborough Regional Health Centre Foundation, has advice so it doesn't have to be.
NEWS  /  05/31/2023
Learn about the forgotten stage of campaigns. Hint, take a look in the mirror.
NEWS  /  05/24/2023
You face numerous challenges when it comes to identifying potential supporters. It’s important to consider several factors when evaluating your best prospects.
NEWS  /  05/09/2023
This post was adapted from a spring 2018 Healthcare Philanthropy article. Today’s big donors want to fund a vision for helping the world—not your hospital’s wish list.
NEWS  /  05/03/2023
Learn actionable tips to engaging healthcare providers in grateful patient philanthropy efforts.
NEWS  /  04/25/2023
This post was adapted from a spring 2020 Healthcare Philanthropy article about a new way Sarah Fawcett-Lee, FAHP, CFRE and the team at Virtua Health major gift officer recruitment.
NEWS  /  04/12/2023
Read the key takeaways from the 2023 AHP Leading Forward Health Equity Summit