AHP Connect

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.

NEWS  /  06/06/2019
Angelique talks about shifting from higher education to health care, ways she helps organizations implement diversity and inclusion plans and the best practical advice she offers those organizations.
NEWS  /  06/04/2019
Learn how diversity and inclusion lead to better business outcomes and start having brave conversations about diversity.
NEWS  /  06/04/2019
By 2020, millennials will form 50% of the global workforce. With the stakes that high, it’s important to be wary of all the ways you can lose a millennial in your organization.
NEWS  /  05/23/2019
In education sessions during this year's Convene Canada, I was struck by how many marketing best practices from other sectors are making their way into conversations among philanthropy leaders.
NEWS  /  05/23/2019
Sarah Fawcett-Lee talks about her new role with Virtua Health, the importance of board involvement in philanthropy and the value of mentor relationships.
NEWS  /  05/09/2019
Here are five questions to keep in mind when you’re starting out using benchmarking data.
NEWS  /  05/09/2019
Rick Scott, CFRE, talks about his background in PR and communications and what he's gained from AHP's Health System Philanthropy Residency Program.
NEWS  /  04/25/2019
What are some things people suggest for motivating teams?