AHP Connect

AHP Connect delivers updates on industry news and research, educational and professional opportunities, best practices and other articles related to health care philanthropy.

NEWS  /  05/11/2021
Everyone is spending more time looking at a screen than ever. Learn about why it's exhausting and what you can do to cut-down on the stress.
NEWS  /  05/07/2021
Read a few actionable tips for fundraising teams to comply with data security requirements.
NEWS  /  04/27/2021
Five proven email marketing tactics to better engage with your donors.
NEWS  /  04/21/2021
Learn how to engage and grow new corporate philanthropic partnerships in a post-pandemic world.
NEWS  /  04/14/2021
Understanding what comes next after COVID.
NEWS  /  04/14/2021
Tips on how to make sure your next fundraising role is the right fit.
NEWS  /  04/12/2021
How donor personas can help you find and connect with your audience.
NEWS  /  03/31/2021
AHP is saddened by the recent passing of W.B. "Dub" Harris, one of AHP's founders.