8 Numbers to Remember from 2019
Jenny Love
Published: 12/26/2019

Every year, healthcare philanthropy professionals do amazing things, and this year was no different. AHP members raised money. We learned new things. We met to exchange ideas. It’s hard to count all the ways we’re making an impact on the industry, but we are still going to try. Here are some of the most important numbers we hope you’ll remember from 2019.
1 Si Seymour Award Winner Raised $50 Million Annually
David Flood, Senior Vice President and Chief Development Officer at Intermountain Healthcare, won the 2019 AHP Si Seymour Award, the highest honor in healthcare philanthropy. A longtime volunteer and former chair of the AHP board of directors, David increased total giving by 250 percent to $50 million annually in only three years. He was honored at an awards dinner during the Annual International Conference in Washington, D.C. The festivities included a video of David’ peers at Intermountain discussing the tremendous effect David has had on the organization.
5 Philanthropy Residency Program Participants Graduated
Five rising leaders in health philanthropy graduated from AHP’s Health System Philanthropy Residency Program in October, capping their experience by presenting the results of their final projects at the AHP Annual International Conference.
An Exploration of Major Gifts Fundraising in Medicaid-Dominant Markets, presented by Dan Murphy, Dignity Health and Rick Scott, CFRE, Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Aligning Centralized Operations to Support the “Philanthropy Program Powered by Gratitude” at MedStar Health, presented by Courtney Van Shura, MedStar Health
System Integration: Managing a Foundation Board Merger, presented by Jessica Kowal, Inspira Health Network
The Role of Philanthropy in this Era of Health Care Transformation, presented by Tamra Darr, Advocate Aurora Health
13 Philanthropy Residency Program “Freshmen” Matriculated
Thirteen new residents joined the 2019-20 philanthropy residency program cohort, which began at the International Conference in Washington, DC. They will complete a 12-month curriculum, designed by Bill Littlejohn, senior vice president and chief executive officer of the Sharp HealthCare Foundation, and will graduate at the 2020 International Conference in Austin, TX. The residency program is an executive training and knowledge-sharing program intended to build the next generation of senior leaders.
40 Young Professionals Received Awards
In October, forty rising stars received the 40 Under 40 award, AHP’s program that honors the industry’s brightest young leaders who have demonstrated success in their careers in health care philanthropy. Winners had a strong record of innovation and outstanding performance and have already raised more than $800 million collectively in their careers to date.
150 Executives Advanced Ahead
AHP’s Leading Forward Executive Summit drew nearly 150 senior philanthropy executives to Atlanta in March for a two-day exploration of ways to build alignment between philanthropy and other healthcare leaders. Featuring spotlight conversations between chief philanthropy officers and c-suite partners, attendees learned from those success stories and split into cohort groups to build connections with peers and discuss common challenges. Check out the videos from the 2019 event, and chief philanthropy officers are invited to register for Leading Forward 2020, taking place March 31-April 2 in Chicago, IL.
250 Philanthropy Professionals Convened in Canada
AHP’s annual conference for Canadian healthcare development professionals, Convene Canada, returned to Toronto, ON, in May. Nearly 250 participants, the conference’s highest attendance in several years, enjoyed informational breakout sessions, keynote speakers, a live recording of KCI Philanthropy’s popular podcast “The Ask,” and a site visit to the SickKids Research Institute hosted by AHP member SickKids Foundation.
313 Madison Institute Trainees Learned and Networked
The Madison Institute, AHP’s flagship training program for healthcare philanthropy professionals, celebrated its 43rd year by drawing a record 313 students to the University of Wisconsin campus in July for a week of in-depth learning and networking in one of seven educational tracks. Responding to member requests for education around philanthropy operations and hospice fundraising, AHP and the Madison Institute faculty piloted two mini-tracks in those areas, which will serve as a starting point for expanded education for operations and hospice development professionals.
1,050 Industry Leaders Attended the AHP Annual Conference
More than 1,000 people traveled to Washington, DC, in October (during the World Series, no less) for 70+ educational sessions, 60+ exhibitors, and plenty of networking, as part of the AHP 2019 International Conference. In addition to the Si Seymour and 40 Under 40 awards, six individuals became Fellows of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (FAHP). We hope to see you at the 2020 International Conference in Austin, TX.
With all of these achievements in 2019, it’s hard to imagine how we’ll top it in 2020, but we are certainly going to try. And we are grateful to have you join us for the adventure.