Gord Durnan began his career in healthcare philanthropy in 1977 and was the first Canadian to join AHP, pass both the CFRE and FAHP, and win the Si Seymour Award. Gord retired in 2005 and now dedicates his time to volunteering for many charitable organizations in Canada. In honour of Gord’s contribution to healthcare philanthropy, the fund was established through the Hospital Development and Education Fund (HDEF) of Canada in 2005 by his peers to ensure that educational opportunities for healthcare fundraisers were available and accessible across Canada.
Durnan Fund Terms
On an annual basis, the AHP Canada Council will review requests for funding from the Gord Durnan Education Fund. The terms are outlined below:
- Applications must be received by March 25, 2025.
- Applications will be forwarded to AHP Canada Council for review. Council will collaborate with AHP International to award Gord Durnan Fund awards, in conjunction with other AHP educational awards
- The requests will be ranked according to the priorities set out by the fund
- Total annual disbursement from the Fund will equal no more than 10% of the balance of the fund
- Payments will be made directly to the recipient or the recipient's organization by the Treasurer of AHP Canada Council, from HDEF account
Eligible Educational Activities
A grant of up to $500 to be used to strengthen healthcare philanthropy and the presence of AHP through the development and support of AHP Roundtables throughout Canada. AHP Roundtables are gatherings of AHP members and prospective members to learn and share ideas, challenges, and strategies in healthcare fundraising. For questions on how to plan AHP Roundtables, contact K.C. Carruthers, CFRE or Allison Young.
- AHP members may apply for a grant of up to $500 towards expenses in hosting a roundtable session for current and prospective AHP members
- Application must clearly outline the proposed roundtable session’s education and networking opportunities
- Grants are limited to one per year per roundtable area
- Grant recipient/applicant is to submit a short report within 30 days following the educational/networking session to the Canada Council via Mary Ann Donlin, along with an expense report. Maximum $500 will be reimbursed
AHP Membership
A grant equivalent to annual membership fee to AHP will be awarded to strengthen healthcare development within jurisdictions where AHP Canada Council has difficulty in recruiting provincial and territorial representation.
- Applicants must be a member of a healthcare facility in a province and/or territory where the Canada Council has generally had difficulty in recruiting representation (see AHP Canada Council members to determine provincial/territorial vacancies)
- The application seeking support to cover AHP membership fee will demonstrate clear intent to serve on the Canada Council for the term
- Recipients may be eligible to receive a one-year renewal of this award, and requires re-application
Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE)
A grant of $500 to help offset cost of initial CFRE certification for Canadian AHP members.
- Applicants will be an AHP member in good standing for at least two years
- Successful grant applicant will be reimbursed $250 upon submission of the certification application and the final $250 upon receipt of proof of attainment of CFRE designation
Grant for AHP Development Primer or CFRE Prep Course
A $500 grant for a new AHP member and/or a board member of a Canadian AHP member organization to attend:
Other Educational Opportunities
- From time to time, AHP Canada Council may deem activities that the council collaborates on to warrant consideration for funding from the Gord Durnan Fund
- In any given year, the council may consider national and/or joint national and international collaborative activities as they see fit, and only if the 10% annual distribution is not exceeded