In only four years at IU Health Foundation, Victoria has established herself as a key component in IU Health Foundation's mission, building on the impressive leadership experience she has acquired in her short career. From her role as a champion of Foundation processes and executive initiatives, she works to help the team establish and expand programs that increase their impact. As an adept connector among leadership, volunteers, staff, and the board, she earns praise for driving alignment among various areas of the organization, and as a valued team member she has been acknowledged for her ability to increase team member engagement and professional growth. This work has earned her the distinction of being chosen to lead the IU Health Foundation's Values and Experience team and the IU Health and IU Health Foundation's 2024 United Way campaign. Much of Victoria’s work is behind the scenes, yet it nonetheless manages to make an impact and highlight her commitment to philanthropy. Whether she’s working with Foundation board members, overseeing volunteer opportunities, or implementing team member experiences, she displays a ceaseless dedication to the impact philanthropy can have on the health of Indiana’s residents, who routinely are recognized as among the least healthy people in the nation. As an AHP member, Victoria presented twice at the 2022 conference: she created the presentation and, as part of a group, presented "Creating a Culture of Philanthropy through Team Experience." In addition, she presented "Curating Board Engagement in a Hybrid World" with IU Health Foundation President Crystal Miller at the CDO Forum. Earlier in her career, while in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Victoria worked for the alumni association and office of the chancellor at her alma mater, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), an experience that sharpened her passion for philanthropy. Among her accomplishments there were founding the IPFW Top 50 program, which recognizes the top 50 students who excel academically while also giving back to the campus and their communities, and making two CASE Conference presentations on best practices in alumni relations.
I started my career in higher education and alumni relations. When I transitioned to the health system, I started in finance within our Academic Medical Center. Fast-forward a few months, my now-leader was recruiting within the Foundation. I had a few advocates and cheerleaders (including the hospital COO) reaching out to my now-leader directly recommending me for the Foundation. The rest is history!
I always thought I would end up back in higher education because that was what I knew. I stayed because of my leader. All the things I liked about previous roles were built into my work. Even when she jokes that I won't always be here and will want to grow into a system role, I always feel valued and appreciated. I don't know if I can ever find another leader this good so I will stay until they don't want me!
Coming to IU Health was my pivot point. Philanthropy was an easy decision because of my alumni relations experience, but moving from the complexities of education to the complexities of a major healthcare system was unimaginable. I also had a job offer for a non-profit out of state. In my first interview at IU Health, that first leader said not to add email to my phone because nothing is so important that it should disrupt my work-life balance. While I do have my email on my phone now, knowing that someone cared about me as a person was enough to sell me on the system.
My greatest passion professionally is helping people grow and be the best versions of themselves. Most people that work with me know that I love to help guide people to the right professional development, whiteboard career paths, and look at the bigger picture of where we all fit in. Teaching, coaching and mentoring are some of my favorite things.
Healthcare philanthropy can be challenging, but it is worth it. The people you are surrounded by all have a story or a reason for being in that room. Sometimes it is because of care they received, sometimes because of a family member, but always because they are compassionate and empathetic humans that believe in something bigger than themselves.
I am an avid Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. I have seen every movie and show in timeline order many times over.