Tailored professional support to achieve your goals

AHPrime Hub

Join AHP

Choose from four membership options: Individual, Group, AHPrime & Affiliate

Educational & Professional Development Resources

We create resources on key issues in healthcare philanthropy so you don’t have to. With AHPrime, your entire organization gets unlimited access to our educational and professional development resources, including complimentary webinars, the on-demand learning hub, and more. 


Report on Giving

The Report on Giving highlights industry performance on key metrics, including total funds raised, return on investment, cost to raise a dollar, and more. Each year, we collect data from hundreds of organizations raising funds for healthcare in the United States and Canada to show you industry trends. Whether you are a shop of one in a small community hospital or a leader of a development program for a large national health system, you'll find data to compare your organization to others just like you. 

Salary Report 

AHP surveys hundreds of healthcare philanthropy professionals in the United States and Canada every two years about their compensation and benefits. The resulting Salary Report provides detailed information on salary ranges for more than 20 positions within the field, as well as insights on factors that can impact earning potential. It's a great resource for anyone looking to understand the current job market and make informed decisions about their career.

  • Compensation and benefit trends over time
  • Detailed salary profiles for the 10 most common positions
  • Salary demographics by gender, education, location, and more
  • Ranked job features show the features job seekers care about most

Revenue Equivalency Calculator & Customized Benchmarking 

Access valuable tools to optimize your fundraising efforts. Use the Revenue Equivalency Calculator to measure your fundraising impact and the Customized Benchmark Form to tailor benchmarking data to your organization's needs.  

Connect with Peers

Join a collaborative environment where AHPrime members come together to share insights, challenges, and solutions. Engage in dynamic discussions and build lasting relationships with fellow professionals.  

  • AHPrime Huddle Group
  • AHPrime Leadership Roundtable
  • Chief Development Officer
  • Operations Leadership Roundtables
  • Major Gift Officer Roundtables

Speakers Bureau

AHPrime membership offers an annual presentation by a healthcare philanthropy leader, available either on-site or virtually, tailored to address a range of topics relevant to your organization. Speakers Bureau presentations are an excellent opportunity to align your entire team with your organization's fundraising goals or to keep your board informed on the latest fundraising best practices.