On-Demand Learning Hub

All the information you need to succeed in healthcare fundraising

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Gives a broad overview of a topic with no prior knowledge required. Appropriate for new healthcare fundraisers and individuals looking to fill in skill gaps.
Gives an in-depth look into a topic with a focus on application. Appropriate for individuals with some prior knowledge and experience in the subject area.
Focuses on complex topics, preparing learners to shape organizational strategy. Appropriate for senior leaders with significant knowledge and experience in the field of healthcare philanthropy.

Program Design

Planned Giving Mini Course

On-Demand COURSE

Three-part, on-demand course covering intermediate and advanced techniques

Nurturing Lifelong Generosity with Planned Giving


Secure future funding by offering donors impactful, lasting legacy opportunities

6 Interesting Facts about Planned Giving for Newbies


Six useful things to springboard you into this complex topic

What You Need to Know About Planned Giving

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An overview of the discipline for when planned giving isn't all that you do


The 7 Disciplines of a Planned Giving Office


Promote effective donor communications to close big gifts in less time

Developing a Planned Giving Marketing Plan

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A 7-step process to help you increase gift income and improve program performance

Integrated Planned Giving Into Major and Annual Gift Programs

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Tips to create a planned gift strategy, identify prospects, and market planned gifts.

Practical Tips to Unlock the Power of Legacy Giving at a Small Shop


How to create a successful planned giving program with limited resources